Grants Call - Georgia Integration Grants Facility


Detailed Guidelines:

USAID Unity through Diversity IGF Updated Guideline
Annex 1.1
Annex 1.2
Annex 1.2.1 Profit and Loss Cash Flow
Annex 1.2.2 Time Schedule
Annex 1.3 Budget Template

UNA Georgia is pleased to announce the Georgia Integration Grants Facility (IGF) within the USAID Unity Through Diversity Program to support the activities that will contribute to the inclusive civic and economic development of Georgia.

Total estimated budget:

$4,000,000 (2023 – 2026)


Anticipated annual award number:

Maximum 15 grants for both Lots


Grants facility dates:

All awards must end before December 15, 2026.         


Grants Decision Timeline

Award decisions will be made on a quarterly basis 

Grants Commission meeting dates and proposal submission deadlines    


September 29

December 29

March 29

June 28


January 30

March 29

June 28

September 27

Subaward duration:

Up to 18 months 


Indicative ceiling:

$ 120,000 *



CSOs, media, academia, businesses, startups, and others.

Grant instruments used:

Fixed Amount Awards, Grant Agreements, Cost-Share Grants

Issued under:

USAID Unity Through Diversity Program, 72011422CA00003

All awards under the IGF shall work towards promoting diversity, equality, equity, multiculturalism, nation-building, social cohesion, private sector engagement, minority social and economic integration, and inclusion, contributing to the following operational priorities:

 Lot 1 - Policy, Participation, Advocacy Grants:

  • Access to language and quality education including preschool, general, higher, and vocational education
  • Meaningful engagement and representation in political processes, public consultations, and policy decision-making
  • Equal opportunities, eliminating discrimination and unequal treatment based on ethnicity and religion
  • Inclusion of ethnic and religious minorities in sectoral public policies and legislation
  • Access to healthcare, social protection, housing, and other essential public services, such as civil and business registry services, local community development, and welfare services
  • Minority-to-majority dialogue and participatory approaches at both central and local levels
  • Positive media discourses  - diverse perspectives and present a positive image of minority groups to counter negative stereotypes and prejudices 

Lot 2 - Growth, Employment, Linkages Grants: 

  • Targeted financial and technical assistance to MSMEs in ethnically diverse regions and entrepreneurial communities
  • Co-financing of the MSMEs interested in "going regional“
  • Tailored support for regional MSMEs to accelerate business startup opportunities
  • Awareness raising, advocacy, and consultancy of ethnic minorities to enhance access to MSME-supportive state programs and services 
  • Building business development skills and financial literacy for existing and potential ethnic minority entrepreneurs
  • Building awareness and encouraging ethnic minorities to enroll in the VET system
  • Mentorship, networking, and peering targeted opportunities for minority entrepreneurs
  • Support the establishment of industry and sectoral industry associations in minority regions
  • Creating linkages and trade opportunities with majority and minority regions.
  • Eligible parties interested in applying are encouraged to read this Grants Guideline - click pdf  and its annexes thoroughly to understand the type of projects sought, application submission requirements, and the selection process. 

This is an open-door opportunity, and UNA-Georgia retains the right to update the funding priorities, eligibility, or other parts of this Grants Guideline as needed. It is the applicant's responsibility to regularly check the website to ensure they have the latest information. Issuing this funding opportunity does not constitute an award commitment on the part of UNA-Georgia or USAID.

All inquiries shall be submitted electronically to (subject line must read “Georgia Integration Grants Facility”). 

Online information sessions will be organized at least twice a year. The information will be made available through UNA-Georgia’s web, and social media channels. 

Don't miss this chance to contribute to Georgia's inclusive civic and economic development!